Explore the eLearning Backpack Project – Call for Cohort 2

The eLearning Backpack Project is an initiative to provide faculty with backpacks loaded with tools that will allow them to fully leverage the new services available in Canopy. It is an opportunity for faculty to reimagine how they create/deliver course content and engage with their students.

Discuss the cohort 1 and look ahead to the now forming cohort 2.

Additional information – https://www.uc.edu/canopy/tools/elearningbackpack.html


Sign Up for the Lightning Round!

THATCamp University of Cincinnati will be holding a Lightning Round on Monday May 4 from 3:30-4:30 immediately after our brainstorming session.  These lightning talks are brief (2-minute or 3-minute) presentations in which attendees discuss current or upcoming projects, demonstrate new tools, or call for collaborators.  It will be as informal as possible.

Do you have a project or idea to share?  If so, please submit a comment on this post.

See you soon!

Physical spaces that support digital scholarship

What kind of physical spaces do we need to create that would support collaboration and digital humanities/digital scholarship at UC? UC Libraries are engaged in a redesign of the 4th floor of Langsam and we are planning to include new spaces that would support DH/DS and we would like your perspectives on UC needs – – what kind of spaces/technologies do faculty and students need? Possibilities include: informal collaborative spaces, teaching spaces, data visualization theater/teaching space, Global video-conferencing space, makerspace, high end computers/software, GIS, text analysis – – to name a few possibilities! Let’s talk needs and possibilities!

THAT (The Humanities and Twitter) Camp

Twitter is a digital salon, a global party line, offering a window to real-time information and sentiment on a tremendous scale. There have been many compelling projects to analyze and monitor twitter activity as well as automate communication for entertainment, journalism, and scholarship.

Let’s meet to discuss possibilities for analyzing, reporting, or remixing content from Twitter.


@congressedits is a twitter bot that was created to monitor and report changes to Wikipedia entries made from IP addresses assigned to the United States Congress. The script is open source and has been used by others to monitor changes made by other organizations, many civic and government. – inkdroid.org/journal/2014/07/10/why-congressedits/

The New Yorker has an interesting article from 2013 about Twitter bots and their use, from compelling to crude – www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-rise-of-twitter-bots

Climate change for the rest of us

The vast majority of literature and dialogue around global climate change has originated within science disciplines, but the influence of climate change has had limited impact in other disciplines, particularly within the humanities. As societies and cultures grapple with the process of adaptation to climate change, it is more important than ever for  humanities disciplines, librarians, and archivists to engage with this topic.

I would like to convene a discussion/resource sharing group of scholars, librarians, archivists, and anyone with a passing interest in climate change to talk about how we can contribute to this field. As an archivist deeply concerned with the future of archival holdings in geographically threatened areas (i.e., due to rising sea levels, increased weather patterns, etc), I am considering research in this area to get others thinking about the long-term stewardship and survival of archives.

Some food for thought:

Meet the Humanities (Commentary in Nature Climate Change)

Climate Change in Culture (Upcoming conference in May)

Science Communication Needs the Humanities (How humanities work on rhetoric and communication can improve scientific communication)