Category Archives: Publishing

Posts about scholarly and trade publishing, peer review, publishers, journals, books, ebooks, and so on.

Digital History-Tools and Techniques Session Notes

Click here for the full session notes/discussion from the Digital History-Tools and Techniques Session.

Most of the resources discussed in this session are available in Byron’s Google Drive folder.  Notes from this session build on and discuss tools from the list he’s created in the GD.

Important Caveats/Advice for Using Digital Tools

  • Be sure to reference and try out the tools from the Google Drive.
  • Don’t let digital tools overwhelm you. Instead of focusing on a tool’s content, think instead about the context in which you’re using it and why it’s the appropriate approach to take.
  • Within the DH, there’s no need for isolation anymore and although we often feel we don’t have time to build different tools on our own, they are out there already and we can gain a lot by working collaboratively with people across disciplines and backgrounds.
  • You don’t have to be creator of content, you can be a curator.
  • Consider the 3Cs: Content, context, community.

Open Access Scholarly Publishing – are we still bound by the print model? Should we be?

Much effort has been expended in the field of open access publishing, especially open access journal publishing, to establish that open access can still be peer reviewed and scholarly.

But should online academic journals – especially new efforts – always follow a model established in the world of print, that is volume, issue, table of contents, article?

Can/should we break free from this pattern without losing effective, accepted (for RPT, etc.) peer-review; and still be seen as ‘serious’ publishing, not ‘just’ another blog?

In the Humanities especially, what formats or platforms can we envision that support not only the dissemination of research findings (i.e. through traditional peer-reviewed papers and reports) but also directly support the research itself?

My goal would be to have an interesting conversation, not necessarily to arrive at answers.